Sanctuary - Wildlife Education - Rescue
Wildlife Education
A large part of our mission involves wildlife education. Indigo Mountain offers a variety of education programs to schools, parks, clubs and organizations. They are a fun way for kids of all ages to tame their curiosity for the wild world and foster a desire to preserve and protect animals
In our 23 year history Indigo Mountain’s services have been called upon for saving individual animals in need to much larger scale rescues involving dozens of animals. We are called upon by animal shelters and animal control to phenotype wolfdogs and place a variety of exotic animals that they cannot or will not try to find homes for.
Our Mission
Indigo Mountain Nature Center was established to create public awareness and inspire respect for all wildlife through education, while providing a variety of specialized services to captive-born wildlife, exotic and alternative pets.
The organization’s primary goal is to provide a permanent home to animals and species that we have sufficient expertise and facilities to house them.
To provide the highest level of care for the health and well-being of each of the animals in residence.
To create habitats designed to meet the needs of the animal’s physical, social and emotional needs.
Encourage natural behaviors in each species and each individual animal.
To continuously study and learn from the animals in our care.
Be a leader and innovator in wildlife education.
Create awareness in the challenges facing captive-born wildlife, exotic and alternative pets and their wild cousins.
Help our Cause
Indigo Mountain depends entirely on your tax-deductible gifts to care for the animals. No donation is too small. We receive no funding from the state or federal government. We work hard to keep our administrative and management costs to a minimum so that we can stretch our donor's dollars as far as they can go for the care, feeding and housing of the animals.
Please help support the animals with your tax deductible donation through our secure Colorado Gives account. Thank you for your support!
Contact Us
P.O. Box 208
Lake George, CO 80827